Playing my game 自由自在

像一个精灵,她闭着眼睛,在自己的世界歌唱,用最温柔沉静的声音,讲述最动人心弦的故事,声音悠远的如同北冰洋一样的女人,Lene Marlin,挪威苍白的阳光,山谷清凉的微风都夹杂在她美丽的声音里。

记得以前还觉得自己的青春灿烂的时候,把这首音乐作为Space的背景音乐。Playing my game,或许更准确应该译作“独角戏”,但我更喜欢声音里流露出的沾染着淡淡悲哀的“自由自在”。



芬兰,是你梦想的地方。I‘m just playing my game。

Wont open my mouth,
You know what Ill say
It hurts me that its gotta be here this way
I can no longer hide
God knows Ive tried
I held on as long as I could
If I could change it, I would
This is the way I am,
And this is what I do.

I cry my tears
But theyre not for you
Playing a game
I know youve done too
I shouldnt have waited,
But still its all the same
Cause you know,
Im just playing my game.

Close your ears if you dont like the sound of my voice
Youre acting like I
Like I had a choice
But to leave you behind well,
Ive made up my mind.
I cry my tears
But they not for you
Playing a game
I know youve done too
I shouldnt have waited,
But still it is all the same
Because you know,
Im just playing my game.

Dont hold me with your eyes
The light in them I cannot see,
No need to blind me
Theres this darkness where I walk
You thought you had your future
All figured out.

I cry my tears
But theyre not for you
Playing a game
I know youve done too
I shouldnt have waited,
But still it is all the same
Cause you know,
Im just playing my game,
Im playing my game.

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